Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Eating in my hotel room

I'm on a very long business trip staying is a fairly nice hotel.  I have to spend 9 or 10 hours in meetings so there is not much time for fun.  My challenge is how to eat healthy during this trip.  I usually just eat all my meals out but that typically means buffet breakfasts, heavy lunches ordered in so we can continue working, and dinners out with colleagues or alone.  Since I am determined to stick with my healthy eating routine I don't want to passively accept that traveling is an excuse to indulge in excessive eating (like I did in the past when I was 20+ pounds heavier).
It's not like I'm in Italy (where I was at this time last year!) where there is a once in a lifetime opportunity to eat scrumptious food on every corner.  I'm in an area surrounded by Cheesecake Factory, PF Changs, Brio, TJI Fridays, Fuddruckers, and the like.  There are also a few local places, everything within walking distance from my hotel, but my experience at the Lebanese Taverna my first night here was pretty disappointing.  It has also become a chain.  The good news is there is a Fresh Market nearby, kind of like a little Central Market.  My room is a big suite with a refrigerator and a microwave oven so I was able to pick up some things at Fresh Market.  I treated myself to some huge organic strawberries and some beautiful mandarin oranges and plenty of breakfast items such as Greek yogurt and even eggs.  I will see how microwave eggs turn out!  Instead of eating lunch at the industrial cafe in the building I'm stuck in all day I will be bringing my own salad and fruit.
Microwave eggs:  They are really very good, believe it or not.  I placed 2 eggs in a bowl of about 1/2 cup water, pricked the yolks with the end of a paper clip, then covered them with an opened plastic baggie.  After about 2 1/2 minutes total and letting them sit for a minute, I drained the water.
I had the eggs with a piece of whole wheat bread I bought from a local bakery.  Excellent!
Yesterday I discovered that the building I am working in has a huge, modern gym.  I worked out in the hotel gym on Monday night and it was small with only a couple weight machines and no space to work out, so today I am bringing work out clothes and will take a break in the afternoon.

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